How to Move the Cursor in Mac OS X Terminal (Bash)
Moving around the terminal one character at a time is slow and gets annoying, so here’s how to move around word by word:
ctrl-a: move to front of line ctrl-e: move to end of line ctrl-w: delete word before cursor
By default, the shortcuts for moving left and right are Esc-b and Esc-f. It’s much handier to use Alt/Option-left and -right, so this is how you can configure terminal to do that:
To configure it to Alt + left and right:- Open Terminal preferences (command + ,);- At Keyboard tab, select "control cursor left (or right)" and doubleclick it;- Left: Select the combo "modifier" to "option" and the action to 33b- Right: Select the combo "modifier" to "option" and the action to 33f